The Blessedness of Hope

Brethren, we must understand that we are living in the last days.  God declares in Malachi 4:5-6, that in the last days He wants the hearts of the children to be turned to the father.  Allow me to reiterate: He wants the hearts of the children to be turned to Him as the Father, to know His heart as a Father.  This is a revelation!  God wants you to know Him as a loving Father as never before.  And through His great love, He wants to give us encouragement and an unshakable hope, for divine hope is grounded in divine love.

In these last days, we must know the Father’s heart and His great love for us.  We must know how much He loves us.  Understand, that the wondrous beauty of His love will create hope within us to keep us stable as the times grow more and more difficult.  He wants us to know Him in this way that we will never be removed from the hope of heaven.  Because the promise of eternal life is alive, it gives hope to serve God day and night.  Therefore, we can declare: I’m not shaken; I’m not disturbed; My future is bright.  Together we will serve God because we have a hope of promise.  And my friend, that hope is eternal life—heaven’s great hope.

Author: Pastor - Dr. Victor Morgan

A dynamic preacher, teacher, and author with an unique ability to bring profound revelation knowledge from the Word of God.

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